I received 4 rejection letters today from various literary agents. One agent stated " You have solid ideas and are tackling important issues." However, she still rejected my proposal. I have to agree with her though, the issues that I'm tackling are important. I spent 5 hours in a library in Hanford, thumbing through crumbling yellowing news papers, blowing off the dust of heavy hard cover books based on the local history of Hanford. Blacks were invisible in the 1920's, 30's and before. The only time there was mention of a black person, was when the "negro" committed a crime or was wanted by the authorities. I owe it to my great grandfather and great grandmother, my aunts and uncles, my mother,my grandparents, and other black families whose ancestors were pioneers and movers and shakers in Kings County!
# posted by the culinary coquette @ 9:00 PM